Abhishek Upadhyay / Azamgarh. In Uttar Pradesh, the police of Didarganj police station of Azamgarh district have arrested 3 accused and claimed to have solved the homicide of a youth close to Pokhara. The police claimed that the younger man was murdered with bricks and stones for opposing the love affair. The slain youth was recognized as Rajesh.
In this case of homicide, Anara Devi, a resident of Saraimohan village of Bardah police station space, had given a criticism to the police. In Tahrir, he had alleged that his son Rajesh had gone to Martinganj market on a motorcycle within the morning to purchase medicines from an individual named Bablu, later Rajesh’s physique was discovered close to Sangrampur Bagh Pokhare. The girl accused Bablu of homicide. After this allegation, when the police investigated the matter, the names of Sultanpur residents Harsh Ranjan alias Vicky, Sunil Pal and Shiv Kumar got here to the fore. On Thursday, the police arrested all of the three accused from Barrackdih.
According to Additional Superintendent of Police Arun Dixit, the assassin was having a prep affair with the deceased Rajesh’s sister. There was a dispute about this earlier additionally. The lady’s brother Rajesh used to oppose this love affair. This was the rationale why he was killed by being pelted with bricks and stones.
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 07, 2023, 12:02 IST