Kawardha. The Pandaria police station of Kawardha district of Chhattisgarh has arrested a youth accused of raping a minor. The identify of the accused is Alisan Khan, who’s a resident of Mumbai. He had befriended a minor woman from Kawardha district by means of Facebook, after which he began blackmailing the minor by means of some indecent and objectionable pictures. The accused was bodily abusing the sufferer by means of the photograph, after which the sufferer knowledgeable the household about the entire matter. After which a criticism was lodged within the police station.
After the criticism, the police arrested the accused youth on the premise of his location. A case has been registered towards him below numerous sections and offered within the court docket, from the place he has been despatched to jail. A report was lodged by the kin of the minor woman at Pandariya police station. It was instructed that it was instructed by the minor woman that she had been mates with Alisan Khan’s father Afzal Khan age 24 by means of Facebook. Alisan needs to fulfill you every single day. If you don’t get it, then I’ll make a lot of your objectionable photographs viral by means of the Internet, saying that by forcefully pressurizing you to fulfill a minor woman and have a bodily relationship.
Team arrested
The police mentioned that on the report, part 376 (2) N, 294, 506 Bhadvi, 4,6 POCSO Act, 3(2)v sc/st act. was established and brought up for consideration. Police station in-charge Mukesh Yadav shaped a particular crew and despatched a particular crew to the police station space and different districts and different states to seek out the handle of the accused, the handle of the accused was being searched. On which info was obtained concerning the accused being in Mumbai Maharashtra. The accused was nabbed by the police crew. The accused Alisan Khan father Afzal Khan age 24 years Sakin Yadav Chaal Bairambang Jogeshwari Best Mumbai Maharashtra has been arrested and offered within the court docket and despatched to jail on judicial remand.
out of your metropolis (Kawardha)
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Tags: Chhattisgarh News, Rape Case