Kangana Ranaut Visits Babe Kedarnath Temple: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut reached Baba Kedarnath temple on Wednesday and visited Lord Shiva. He himself has given this data to his followers via a publish on social media. He paid his obeisance on the Kedarnath temple and took the blessings of God. After seeing Mahadev, Kangana additionally chanted Har Har Mahadev.
Aaj Param Poojniye Kailashanand Ji Maharaj and Vijender Prasad Garu’s Saath Kedarnath Ji Ke Darshan Kiye… Har Har Mahadev 🔱🔱🔱 pic.twitter.com/0ojVoiyZk6
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaGroup) May 24, 2023