Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday renewed her attack on Prime Minister Modi during an election rally in Madhya Pradesh’s Datia. Priyanka said that the “PM of the country remains upset in his own pain permanently.”
“He went to Karnataka with a long list of abuses he faced…It seems like he keeps crying. Have you watched the movie ‘Tere Naam’ by Salman Khan? In that movie, Salman Khan keeps crying from start to end. I would suggest making a movie on PM Modi and name it ‘Mere Naam (my name),” the Congress leader taunted.
She further attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party saying all of the leaders of the party “are a little weird.”
Earlier, ahead of the assembly elections in Karnataka in May, Priyanka Gandhi took a dig at the Prime Minister, saying he keeps crying. “He (Modi) is the first prime minister I have seen who comes … and cries saying he is being abused.”
READ | Congress launches ‘CryPM’ campaign to counter PM Modi’s ‘was abused’ remark
“Instead of listening to your grief, he is coming here and telling you his (problems),” Priyanka Gandhi said. During that time, the Congress in Karnataka shared posters of ‘CryPM’ and ‘PayCM’ on X, targeting the prime minister and the chief minister of the state.
“The PM’s speeches these days remind me of my Facebook feed – full of complaints and no substantial content. Time for a status update? #CryPMPayCM”, the party posted on its official handle on X.
“It is @narendramodi who asks for votes by telling his problems without listening to people’s pain. Have you forgotten that the job of a Prime Minister is to talk about and solve people’s problems? Our leaders Siddaramaiah and Parameshwar were physically attacked by you guys. We never made it an issue! #CryPMPayCM”, Karnataka Congress said in another post.
(With agencies’ inputs)