Congress will release its “welfare-oriented” manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha election, spanning seven phases from April 19 to June 1, on April 5, announced party’s general secretary KC Venugopal on Monday. He added that Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge along with Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will unveil the manifesto in the mega rallies scheduled on April 6 in Jaipur and Hyderabad.
“After vast deliberations with people from across the country, the Congress will be releasing its vision document, the Manifesto, on 5th April at AICC HQ. Subsequently, we will hold two Mega Rallies on 6th April – in Jaipur and Hyderabad!” Venugopal wrote on social platform X.
He added further,”In Jaipur, INC President Sh. Mallikarjun @kharge ji, CPP Chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi ji, Sh. @RahulGandhi ji and Smt. @priyankagandhi ji will be launching the manifesto addressing the Mega Rallies Rahul ji will also be addressing the Manifesto launch mega rally in Hyderabad! Our focus has always been on giving the country a welfare oriented, pro-development vision and that will be presented to the people for this election as well!”
Congress’s ‘Paanch Nyay’
The party’s election manifesto will focus on ‘Paanch Nyay’ or five pillars of justice, including ‘Yuva Nyay’, ‘Naari Nyay’, ‘Kisaan Nyay’, ‘Shramik Nyay’ and ‘Hissedari Nyay’ as well as the guarantees made by it to the people as part of its poll promises for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
The Congress will launch its ‘Ghar Ghar Guarantee’ campaign on April 3, under which the party leaders will reach out to more than eight crore households across the country.
The campaign will focus more on social media and television and less on print and outdoor campaigning, a PTI report said.
The first phase of Lok Sabha elections will take place on April 19. The subsequent phases of polling will be held on April 26, May 7, 13, 20, 25 and June 1. The counting of votes will take place on June 4.