State BJP nationwide secretary Rahul Sinha on Monday alleged he was attacked by Trinamool Congress employees when he went to go to celebration colleague Krishna Bhattacharya at Kamala hospital in Uttarpara. Bhattacharya was admitted within the hospital’s ICU on January 3 after she was allegedly attacked by TMC employees at her residence in Konnagar.
“I had gone to fulfill her (Bhattacharya) on the hospital in Uttarpara this morning. When I used to be leaving my automobile, I used to be instantly surrounded by TMC employees who attacked my automobile. They got here ready with sticks and stones. They have been led by the Trinamool municipality chairman Dilip Yadav,”mentioned Sinha. He has filed an FIR in opposition to the Trinamool on the Uttarpara police station. He has to town police, Governor KN Tripathi and the central BJP management.
Sinha additionally reiterated the BJP’s grievance in opposition to the Shahi Imam of West Bengal Syed Mohammad Nurur Rahman Barkati who had issued a Fatwa in opposition to PM Narendra Modi,